Thu, Nov 19, 2020

Whitepaper - Data Breaches in the Healthcare Industry

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As per data published by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, the healthcare industry in Australia accounted for 22% of notifiable data breaches between January to June 2020, which was more than any other industry. Cybercriminals continue to target this industry due to the vast amounts of highly sensitive personal information (such as Medicare numbers, credit card information and medical insurance numbers) that is stored by healthcare providers.

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The risk of a breach and the lingering threat of cybercriminals has only intensified with COVID-19. More and more people continue to share their personally identifiable information with healthcare providers, while the healthcare providers fail to provide cyber security training and awareness to their employees. In an increasingly challenging cyber security landscape, healthcare providers must be prepared for a data breach to ensure they’re in the best defensible position when a cyberattack inevitably occurs.   

The illustration below provides a snapshot of several healthcare data breach incidents that have occurred since the start of the pandemic.

Data Breaches in the Healthcare Industry

Over the past 17 years, Kroll’s Cyber Risk practice has managed data breaches for over 1,600 healthcare institutions worldwide, and since 2019 has engaged with 14 million patients to help mitigate risks stemming from data breach incidents. Healthcare data breaches generate higher levels of anxiety in the impacted population given the nature of information compromised compared to data breaches in other industry. This also results in a higher volume of inbound phone calls from impacted stakeholders to our call centers and investigators/restoration specialists.

Using our healthcare industry experience, we are able to provide unique insight into what effective breach management by a healthcare provider looks like, as a well as the impact a breach can have on the patient’s decision to continue receiving care from the provider. 

This whitepaper examines how cyber security threats and data breaches in the healthcare industry have evolved since COVID-19 and assesses recent public incidents and case studies to better understand the landscape and consider best approaches for the healthcare industry.  

To view the full paper, download it now.

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Data Breach Notification Services

Services include drafting communications, full-service mailing, alternate notifications.

Cyber and Data Resilience

Incident response, digital forensics, breach notification, security strategy, managed security services, discovery solutions, security transformation.

Notification, Call Centers and Monitoring

Kroll’s data breach notification, call centers and monitoring team brings global breach response expertise to efficiently manage regulatory and reputational needs.

Data Breach Call Center Services

A notification letter can generate lots of questions for those affected by a data breach. Kroll’s call center services are provided by skilled representatives who know how to handle difficult questions and stand at the ready to serve your breached population.

Data Breach Notification Letters

Kroll will work with your team to implement a personalized, plain-language notification letter that provides pertinent information and maintains message control.