Wed, Feb 14, 2024

KAPE Quarterly Update - Q4 2023

KAPE had several updates during Q4 2023. Here is a recap of all the important enhancements and news from October through December 2023:

Key Q4 2023 KAPE Updates

  • KAPE Training Overhaul Update
  • REMINDER: KAPE Official Demo
  • Q4 2023 KapeFiles Changes

KAPE Training Overhaul Update

Kroll is currently aiming for Q2 2024 release of the overhauled and content-refreshed KAPE training, which is switching from a live instruction model to self-paced, on-demand model. The new training model will provide the following:

  • Expanded instructor commentary
  • Expanded forensic and incident response tools and processes covered
  • New and refreshed content coverage
  • More in-depth walkthroughs
  • A self-paced, proceed-at-your-own pace and training comfort approach
  • An updated certification exam

Students can email for content requests, which will be reviewed by our Digital Forensic and Incident Response experienced professionals. If approved, our instructors will create custom videos and make them available in our video library for all students.

More information to come in the coming months. Stay tuned!

Reminder: KAPE Official Demo

KAPE Quarterly Update - Q4 2023

Last year, Kroll published an official demo walkthrough of KAPE by Andrew Rathbun.

Q4 2023 KapeFiles Changes

Here is an overview of the changes to the KapeFiles GitHub repository from October 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023.

KAPE-Related GitHub Repositories

Our experts recommend “watching” the following GitHub repositories for KAPE-related updates:

KAPE Quarterly Update—Q4 2023

Keep KAPE Updated

Looking for the EZ button to keep KAPE, EZ Tools and the ancillary files associated with your instance(s) of KAPE updated? Check out the PowerShell script created by Kroll’s Andrew Rathbun here to ensure your copy of KAPE is being updated.

KAPE Resources

There are a number of KAPE resources for additional KAPE support, including the KAPE manual and training and certification opportunities, or you can contact our experts directly at An enterprise license is required when KAPE is used on a third-party network and/or as part of a paid engagement.

Cyber and Data Resilience

Incident response, digital forensics, breach notification, security strategy, managed security services, discovery solutions, security transformation.

24x7 Incident Response

Kroll is the largest global IR provider with experienced responders who can handle the entire security incident lifecycle.

Data Recovery and Forensic Analysis

Kroll's expertise establishes whether data was compromised and to what extent. We uncover actionable information, leaving you better prepared to manage a future incident.

Computer Forensics

Kroll's computer forensics experts ensure that no digital evidence is overlooked and assist at any stage of an investigation or litigation, regardless of the number or location of data sources.

Digital Forensics Services

In the event of a security incident, Kroll’s digital forensics investigators can expertly help investigate and preserve data to help provide evidence and ensure business continuity.

Business Email Compromise (BEC) Response and Investigation

In a business email compromise (BEC) attack, fast and decisive response can make a tremendous difference in limiting financial, reputational and litigation risk. With decades of experience investigating BEC scams across a variety of platforms and proprietary forensic tools, Kroll is your ultimate BEC response partner.

Kroll Artifact Parser and Extractor (KAPE) Resources

The latest KAPE tutorials, webcasts and guides created by Kroll instructors.

Kroll Artifact Parser And Extractor (KAPE)

Find, collect and process forensically useful artifacts in minutes.