Cost of Capital Resource Center

Kroll is the leading global independent valuation services provider and a trusted expert on estimating cost of capital. For over 20 years, our professionals have published books, created studies, provided recommendations and built tools to help businesses and valuation professionals estimate cost of capital.

Kroll Cost of Capital Inputs

Kroll regularly reviews fluctuations in the global economic and financial market conditions. These reviews warrant a periodic reassessment of the equity risk premium (ERP) and the accompanying risk-free rate and key inputs used to calculate the cost of equity capital in the context of the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and other models used to develop discount rates.

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Data as of December 31, 2024
Kroll Global Cost of Capital Inputs
February 2025 Infographics and Analytics

Our experts provide data and insights on current financial market and economic indicators used to support the Kroll’s Cost of Capital Inputs. Additional analytics include illustrating how industry or country risks evolve over time.

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Expert Insights

Market Insights with Carla Nunes and Bob Bartell - Episode 1

Featured Market Insights with Carla Nunes and Bob Bartell

Interest rate cuts are expected later this year, but long-term rates are still much higher than during COVID-19 and, in fact, are much closer to where they were during the 2008 global financial crisis.

Kroll Managing Director Carla Nunes and Vice Chairman of Financial Advisory Bob Bartell discuss the current state of economy and implications for valuations and deal activity.

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Cost of Capital Navigator

Kroll Cost of Capital

The Kroll Cost of Capital Navigator is a global cost of capital tool and data delivery platform. This is one of the most authoritative sources of equity risk premia, size premia and other critical data used in computing cost of capital. Users can get best-in-class data, with the option to also use our tools that guide them through the process of developing global cost of capital estimates. The product suite is comprised of two annual subscription products: the U.S. Cost of Capital Module and the International Cost of Capital Module.

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Kroll's Cost of Capital Resource Center shares trending insights related to global economic and financial market conditions impacting cost of capital inputs and valuations. We deliver what you need to know to stay current.

Cost of Capital

Corporate Finance Insights – Current Trends in Capital Markets

October 27, 2022
Webcast Replay

Current ESG Landscape: Investor versus Company Perspectives

March 25, 2022

Assessing the Economic Impact on Businesses Post-Election

From tax policy and regulation to spending priorities and international trade, the candidates in the U.S. presidential election, and to a greater or lesser extent in this year’s wave of elections in the UK, France, India and elsewhere around the world, have espoused widely divergent policy directions with potentially significant implications for the economy. As the U.S. election unfolds, Kroll assesses the potential impact on businesses across key aspects of economic policy.

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